The Great Lettuce Challenge 16 & 23 September 2023

D. Millson Sept '23

The lettuce were seen to be taking off very well once the poly-tunnel was constructed.
There is a little bit of a cheat on the photo, but we wont go into that.

The work party constructed a poly-tunnel and the plants have settled in very well.
There is a clear problem with having a poly-tunnel at this time of year, we can't always be there to open and close the poly-tunnel each day, so whilst the weather is still pretty warm, the poly-tunnel is being left open at night.
This contrasts with our domestic polys where they are opened during the day and closed at night.
Soon the weather will be cold day and night and it can be left open with airing only on watering days.

We were thrilled to see progress in the green house with pac choi closest to camera and herbs looking good at far end.  All are looking grand.


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